"The Iron Throne is mine by right. All those that deny
that are my foes."
―Stannis Baratheon
Stannis is one of the most accomplished field generals in
the Seven Kingdoms. He fought for his brother King Robert during his rebellion
against The Mad King. At one point he was besieged at Storm's End and would
have starved if not for the smuggler Davos Seaworth.
Stannis destroyed the Greyjoy fleet during their failed
rebellion and was made Lord of Dragonstone and given a position on the small
council as Master of Ships. He was later converted to worship the Lord of Light
by the witch Melisandre who is called the Red Woman.
After Roberts death he killed his brother Renly and
launched and attack on Kings Landing only to be turned back by the city defense
of Tyrion Lanisster and the timely arrival of Tywin Lannister led forces
including the Tyrell forces. Stannis would later be killed by Brienne of Tarth
as payment for the death of Renly Baratheon.